Green Diamond Equipment
Our company is like the John Deere equipment we sell; held together by integrity, experience, pride, quality, and customer service. Each of our over 300 people across 15 Maritime locations live these values every day. We are proud to have been selling equipment to homeowners, farmers, landscapers, construction companies, golf course owners etc. for over thirteen years as Green Diamond Equipment.
As a Maritime owned and operated company, under the leadership of CEO Tina Sears, we have grown qui...
- John Deere Small Engine & Diesel Mechanic Moncton
- Agricultural / Heavy Equipment Mechanic / Technician Grand-Sault/Grand Falls
- Golf & Turf Equipment Technician Upper Onslow
- John Deere Small Engine & Diesel Mechanic Sydney
- Agricultural / Heavy Equipment Mechanic / Technician Upper Onslow
- Agricultural Equipment Technician Stratford
Jobs and Careers is a group of over 350 specialized job boards. Jobs and Careers has job boards based on major industries and job categories in addition to job boards for major cities, towns, states and provinces in North America. There are also 2 national job boards; one for the US and the other for Canada.
A job posting posted by an employer goes onto the appropriate job boards in Jobs and Careers's network. In many cases this will be over 2 dozen relevant job boards for a single job.
For employers it does not stop there. Jobs and Careers is a partner in North America's largest job posting network that places jobs, posted onto Jobs and Careers, onto hundreds of other job boards and into social media including Facebook and Twitter.
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- 5th Year Apprentice Plumber Cambridge
- John Deere Small Engine & Diesel Mechanic Moncton
- Painter - Aerospace Industry Brampton
- Custom Fabricator Huntsville
- Agricultural / Heavy Equipment Mechanic / Technician Grand-Sault/Grand Falls
- HVAC Technician Toronto
- Master Electrician Edmonton
- Lead Construction Foreman Vegreville
- Service Professional Kitchener
- 3rd & 4th Year Electrical Apprentices Calgary
- Golf & Turf Equipment Technician Upper Onslow
- HVAC Technician Surrey
- 310S Automotive Mechanic / Technician Toronto
- Concrete Finishers / Form Setters Edmonton
- HVAC Technician Cambridge
- Electrical Apprentices Red Deer
- CNC Programmer / Machinist Guelph
- Carpenters Saskatoon
- Electrical Journeyperson Kelowna
- HVAC Sheet Metal Worker Burnaby
- Plumbers Calgary
- Journeyman